I am already rejoicing in the edification and fellowship the Lord is producing at this conference in Charlotte this week. This is an international gathering of organic church leaders.
This is very much unlike any other Christian conference I’ve attended. This one is smaller, yes. But it’s the atmosphere that is noticeably different. There is a panel of 20 apostolic workers from around the world. But there’s no recruiting or religious salesmanship here. The goal here is to receive and share the wisdom and truth of the Lord to see His kingdom advanced around the world.
On the first night, the panelists introduced themselves and described what the Lord is doing in their lives and ministries. Amazingly, the introductions did not stop there. The dozens of attendees did the same.
Some standout thoughts shared during that time:
“I don’t have a vision anymore. The vision has me”
“I’ve stopped going to church and started being the church”
There’s no platform here, no musicians with instruments, but a sweet sound did ascend to the Father. After the introductions Don Atkin asked if anyone felt led to begin a song. Someone began the chorus of “How Great is Our God”, then someone else started singing “We Exalt Thee”, and then another kicked off “I Love You Lord”. We ended with prayers lifted to the Father that He would reveal Himself during this week. I have no doubt that He will.
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