Monday, April 16, 2012

New Covenant Sessions: How "New" is the New Covenant?

We are approaching the 3 year mark in our life outside the institutional church system. And if there is one thing I am convinced of, it is this: too many people in this "movement" are more aware of what they have left than where they are going.

Irrespective of where and how people "worship" I believe the measure of our flourishing in Jesus is directly related to the measure of apostolic/prophetic foundations in our lives. (Ephesians 2:20) And I am increasingly burdened by the reality that for many, these foundations have really never been established.

At the heart of this is the gospel of the Kingdom. I believe too many "believers" are familiar with a gospel that is, in reality, profoundly incomplete. I speak from my own experience. What I thought was the gospel was really a shadow of the gospel Paul proclaimed as "the power of God unto salvation". (Romans 1:16)

I stand in awe today with a profoundly more complete picture of the Gospel. Yes, I left an institution 4 years ago that was so "cross" focused that resurrection life was essentially smothered. But more importantly, by God's grace, He has placed us in a growing family in this city that includes foundation building gifts to the body: apostles and prophets who are passionate about the New Covenant. One of those gifts is Dr. Steve Crosby.

I rejoice in the deposit the Lord has given Steve. And I see the ongoing impartation of the Kingdom values he shares and walks out with God's people from day to day. Recently Steve started delivering a series of messages in Hickory, NC, How "New" is the New Covenant? I sensed very strongly the Lord's desire to widely broadcast what he is communicating, so I will post these messages here over the next few weeks.

The first is an Introduction.
Since my teens I have believed that too much of today's expression of "church" is more like the Old Testament than the New. There is a good reason for that: we really don't get that new means NEW!

That is a good starting place to take in Steve's first message from New Covenant Sessions. As always, we welcome your comments.

1 comment:

Terry Lursen said...

Hi Vince,
I agree with you that the movement has folk that know where they've been, but do not know where they're going. I know the Way and have been given, as you have been, insight into this. Know that I support you.
Terry at