"The world of mankind has not advanced by evolution but by revolution;..." P.V. Jenness
It is good to be back with you again. Time permits from posting as much as I would like. There is so much the Lord is doing in, through, and around me in this season of life. I hope to share some of those developments in the very near future.
I continue to marvel at the chorus of hunger and thirst for the Lord that the Father is stirring among His people. So many people are so tired of just going through mindless (and Spiritless) religious motions. In that atmosphere there are a few options. We can choose the path of bitterness and cynicism and reject "the church" altogether. We can also be so jaded, faithless and discouraged that we just keep "riding the treadmill", in hopes that someone will just pull the plug and let us off. The optimum choice is to choose the path of Revival and Restoration. We can choose to be thermostats rather than thermometers. We can lay hold of the Lord and not let Him go until...
Along those lines, through Terry Virgo's writing's I've been turned onto the works of Arthur Wallis. I've read "The Radical Christian" several times. (the link for this entire book is to the right under "OK New Forest") Now I'm reading "In the Day of Thy Power". What else can I say but "wow!" Here are just a few short samples that stirred me a great deal today from Chapter 4 of this book, "This is the Purpose":
"Revival as a method of God's working may be justified from the standpoint of divine strategy, first to counteract spiritual decline, and then to create spiritual momentum."
"... in times of spiritual declension there is perhaps nothing more calculated to stay the rot, wean the heart from earth and attract it to heaven, and produce spiritual steadfastness than to experience such a mighty work of God. Again and again, spiritual situations and conditions that seemed beyond recovery have been transformed by such a working of the Spirit. One recalls the pithy definition of revival as "the inrush of the Spirit into a body that threatens to become a corpse"! (D.M. Panton). If counteracting spiritual decline was the only purpose achieved by God in such seasons, His method would be abundantly justified. It is after all but the sound military principle that the best method of defence is attack."
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