Where are the Prophets?
This is a question that has haunted me for years. I’ve been in a number of church contexts, but seldom have I seen churches where the ministry of the prophet was not only tolerated, but welcomed and viewed as essential.
I get the people who buy into cessationism, rejecting the continuing work of the Holy Spirit displayed in Acts, and along with it the continuity of Ephesians 4 callings other than evangelist, pastor and teacher. (although I vehemently disagree with this position). What I don’t get are the so-called Ephesians 4 ministries that appropriately see the need for apostles, but prophets are nowhere to be found. Where is the consistency in that? Anyway, over the past year, the Lord has blessed me with friends who are prophets, and I’ve also enjoyed the ministry of other men with prophetic mantles. One experience that stands out to me happened back in the Fall of 2008. Newfrontiers USA held an Acts 13 Conference with a theme of apostles and prophets working together. During that conference a man named Julian Adams delivered a penetrating word on “The Prophetic Ministry of the Church”. This message had a profound impact on my understanding of why a number of church situations I had previously been involved in seemed to have no remedy. It also helped me to understand the burden I’ve carried in my heart for so many years. (More on this one day).
So without further setup, I urge you to follow this link to listen to Julian’s sermon. And as always, I welcome your feedback on specifically how the Lord used it to speak in your life, and what you will do as a result.
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